Mothballing Scoot Hard DX and Daytime Drama

2024 October 15

Note: this is an editorial by SanyaWaffles. This post does not necessarily reflect the rest of Waffle Iron Studios.

Some long time fans may notice a lack of Daytime Drama and Scoot Hard DX on this new website. In fact, once in a while I get asked questions about where they went in our genereal sphere.

Simply put: They've been mothballed. You can find them in certain parts of the interwebs out there, but we're not officially supporting them.

There's three simple reasons:

1. We have no time to maintain them nor support them.

Both these projects came out before we were a sort-of serious game studio. We simply do not have the time to support these two projects.

2. Dated content.

Daytime Drama was mostly the work of myself and a few other people, but I was the lead designer. While some aspects of it hold up, some of the humor is incredibly dated.

The canceled Daytime Drama 2 was even more dated. God what was I thinking.

While I don't believe in getting rid of something that is already out there, I feel it's best to keep moving forward and keep some things in the past. Besides, what we're doing now is much better.

3. Scoot Hard DX ended up becoming Project Absentia.

Scoot Hard DX ended up becoming its own IP, separate from the grimdark fanfic (while still being connected due to AuroraDawn helping with Episode 1, and allowing some stuff to remain).

We'd risk getting the pants sued off of us if we kept supporting the former because of it's connection to Hasbro, who has a tendency to C&D or sue unofficial projects.

You can find Daytime Drama on my personal account. Keep in mind it does not reflect our current style, but I am keeping it there for historical value as it was where we got our start.

If you want a more serious approach to the concept of Daytime Drama, complete with more honestly how I feel about some things, go with Saccharine instead. Besides, it's festive!

Hope that clears up some things.

Thank you all for understanding, and have fun with our current offerings.